4. Neutron Damage

My another research work is the neutron radiation damage in materials and mainly focus on the displacement cross section and displacement per atom(dpa) calculations.Quantification of displacement damage is an essential parameter to assess the strength and lifetime of functional materials in the ITER and upcoming fusion devices such as European Demo fusion reactor.Fusion neutrons produce different species of primary knocked on atoms(PKA) based on the different reaction channels such as (n,n’),(n,2n),(n, \(\alpha\) ), (n,p) and (n, \(\gamma\) )etc.Damage cascading of PKA and other knocked on atoms produce vacancies and interstitials,both collectively known as Frenkel pair.Displacement of atoms has adverse effects on the liftime of reactor materials and quantized with displacement per atom(dpa).Prediction of dpa values is required to accurately predict the liftime of functional materialsto be placed in fusion reactor. And my research route shows the following picture:


In order to calculate the dpa,you should calculate the two physical quantity neutron fluxes and displacement cross section where their formulas is:

\[\sigma_{dpa}(E_n)_i=\int^{T_{max}}_{E_d}(\frac{d\sigma}{dE})_i\nu (T)_idT\]
\[dpa/sec = \int^{E_n}_0\sigma_{dpa}(E_n)\Phi_ndE_n\]

where \((\frac{d\sigma}{dE})_i\) is the energy spectra of PKA or recoil atom from \(i^{th}\) reaction channel, \(\nu(T)_i\) is the number of produced Frenkel pair from the dynamics of PKA atom of T energy, \(E_n\) is the energy of incident neutron, \(E_d\) is the displacement threshold energy of target lattice, \(T_{max}\) is the maximum energy available for displacement damage and \(\Phi_n\) is the neutron flux on the material.

4.1. Basic Models and Methods

4.2. SPECTRA and SPECOMP_Distribution

SPECTER is a neutron damage calculations for materials irradiations programm.

SPECTER input is as follows(all free format):

Title (80 characters)
  ITYP = 0 If no flux uncertainties,= 2 Otherwise
  ISIG = 1 To print collapsed cross sections, =0 To stop,
       = 2 For 1-group Thermal Neutron(2200 m/s)
  IGP = 0 If group differential flux(n/cm2-MeV, = OUTPUT)
      = 1 If true differential flux

4.3. Talys1.9

4.4. NJOY Nuclear Data Processing

The NJOY nuclear data processing system is a comprehensive computer code package for producing pointwise and multigroup nuclear cross sections and related quantities from evaluated nuclear data in the ENDF format.The U.S. Evaluated Nuclear Data Files(ENDF) have progressed through a number of versions,notably ENDF/B-III,ENDF/B-IV,ENDF/B-V,ENDF/B-VI,ENDF/B-VII.The ENDF format has also evolved through many versions.Variations of the format called “ENDF-6” were used for ENDF/B-VI and ENDF/B-VII,and will be used in ENDF/B-VIII.The ENDF format is also used in other nuclear data libraries such as the JEFF libraries in Europe and the JENDL libraries in Iapan,or in specialized libraries distributed through the Nuclear Data Section of International Atomic Energy Agency(IAEA0.These libraries represent the underlying nuclear data from a physics viewpoint,but practical calculations usually require special libraries for particle transport codes or reactor core physics codes.This is the mission of NJOY-to take the basic data from the nuclear data library and convert it into the forms needed for applications.The NJOY code consists of a set of main modules,each performing a well-defined processing task.Each of these main modules is essentially a separate computer program.They are linked to one another by input and output files.And in this simple tutorial,I will introduce some main modules which is important to radiation damage calculations.Okay,let’s start our tour.

Before our learns,you should read the examples test 1 seriously and I will regard it as a main case to our learning. And what I write here is to let you are familar with NJOY as soon as possible,in contrast to this,the theory or complete tutorials need you to read.However I believe that what this tutorial will make you love it and do your research better.


4.4.1. MODER

MODER converts ENDF “tapes” back and forth between formatted(that is,ASCII) and blocked binary modes.

#---input specifications(free) format)--------------------
**card 1**       unit numbers
          nin    input unit
          nout   output unit

a positive unit is coded (mode 3)
a negative unit is blocked binary(njoy mode)
#note:abs(min) ge 1 and le 19 is a flag to select various materials fro one or more
#input tapes,with or without mode conversion,the kind of data to be processed is
#keyed to min as follows:
     nin = 1,for endf or pendf input and output
           2,for gendf input and output
           3, for errorr-format input and output
    cards 2 and 3 for abs(min) ge 1 and le 19 only

**card** 2
          tpid  tapeid for nout,66 characters allowed
                 (delimited with ',ended with /)

**card** 3
          nin   input unit
                terminate moder by setting nin=0
          matd  material on this tape to add to nout

4.4.2. RECONR

RECONR reconstructs pointwise(energy-dependent) cross sections from ENDF resonance parameters and interpolation schemes.

#---input specifications (free format)-------------
**card** 1
        nendf    unit for endf tape
        npend    unit for pendf tape

**card** 2
        tlabel    66 character label for new pendf tape
                  delimited with quotes,ended with /.

**card** 3
        mat      material to be reconstructed
        ncards   number of cards of descriptive data for new mf1(default=0)
        ngrid    number of user energy grid points to be added.(default=0)

**card** 4
        err      fractional reconstruction tolerance used when resonance-integral
                 error criterion(see errint) is not satisfied.
        tempr    reconstruction temperature(deg kelvin)(default=0)
        errmax   fractional reconstruction tolerance used when resonance-integral
                 error criterion is satisfied(errmax.ge.err,default=10*err)
        errint   maximum resonance-integral error(in barns) per grid point (default=err/20000)

**card** 5
        cards    ncards of descriptive comments for mt451 each card
                 delimited with quotes,ended with /.

**card** 6
        enode    users energy grid points

        cards 3,4,5,6 must be input for each material desired
        mat=0/ terminates execution of reconr

4.4.3. BROADR

BROADR Doppler-broadens and thins pointwise cross sections.

#---input specification(free format)--------
**card** 1
    nendf    input endf tape(for thermal nubar only)
    nin      input pendf tape
    nout     output pendf tape

**card** 2
    mat1     material to broadened and thinned
    ntemp2   number of final temperature(default=1)
    istart   restart(0 no,1 yes,default 0)
    istrap   bootstrap(0 no,1 yes,default 0)
    temp1    starting temperature from nin(default=OK)

**card** 3
    errthn   fractional tolerance for thinning
    thnmax   max. energy for broadening and thinning(default=1 MeV)
    errmax   fractional tolerance used when integral criterion is satisfied
             (same usage as in reconr)
             (errmax.ge.errthn, default=10*errthn)
    errint   parameter to control integral thinning(usage as in reconr)
             (default=errthn/20000) set very small to turn off integral thinning
     #(A good choice for the convergence parameters errthn,errmax,and errint is
     # the same set of values used in reconr)

**card** 4
    temp2    final temperatures (deg Kelvin)

**card** 5
    mat1     next MAT number to be processed with these parameters.Terminate with mat1=0.

4.4.4. HEATR

HEATER generative pointwise heat production cross section (neutron KERMA factors) and radiation damage production cross sections.

#---input specifications(free format)------------------
**card** 1
    nendf    unit for endf tape
    nin      unit for input pendf tape
    nout     unit for output pendf tape
    nplot    unit for graphical check output

**card** 2
    matd     material to be processed
    npk      number of partial kermax desired(default=0)
    nqa      number of user q values(default=0)
    ntemp    number of temperatures to process(default=0,meaning all on pendf)
    local    0/1=gamma rays transported/deposited locally(default=0)
    iprint   print(0 min, 1 max, 2 deck)(default=0)
    ed       displacement energy for damage(default from built-in table)

**card** 3   for npk gt 0 only
    mtk      mt numbers for partial kermas desired total (mt301) will be provided
             automatically.partical kerma for reaction mt is mt+300 and may not be
             properly defined unless a gamma file for mt is on endf tape.
             special values allowed--
               303   non-elastic (all but mt2)
               304   inelastic (mt51 thru 91)
               318   fission(mt18 or mt19,20,21,38)
               401   disappearance(mt102 thru 120)
               442   total ev-barns
               443   total kinematic kerma(high limit)
            damage energy production values--
               444   total
               445   elastic(mt2)
               446   inelastic (mt51 thru 91)
               447   disappearance (mt102 thru 120)
            cards and 5 for nqa gt 0 only

**card** 4
    mta     mt number for users q values

**card** 5
    qa      user specified q values (ev)
            (if qa.ge.99.e6,read in variable qbar for this reaction)

**card** 5a  variable qbar (for reactions with qa flag only)
    qbar    tab1 record giving qbar versus e (1000 words max)

4.4.5. GROUPR

GROUPR generates self-shielded multigroup cross sections,group-to-group scattering matrices,photon production matrices,and charged-particle multi-group cross sections from pointwise input.

#---input specifications(free format)-----------
**card** 1
    nendf    unit for endf tape
    npend    unit for pendf tape
    ngout1   unit for input gout

4.4.6. ACER

ACER prepares libraries in ACE format for the Los Alamos continuous-energy Monte Carlo MCNP and MCNPX codes.The ACER module is supported by subsidiary modules for the different classes of the ACE format.

4.4.7. PLOTR and VIEWR

PLOTR makes plots of cross sections and perspective plots of distributions for both pointwise and multigroup data by generating input for the VIEWR module and VIEWR converts plotting files produced by the other modules into high-quality color Postscript plots.

4.4.8. Conclusions